Board Member Spotlight: Jon Shearer

A data leader is a well-informed, dependable manager with a penchant for answers to the most fundamental questions. How many? How much? How often?

As a data leader himself, Survivor Fitness board member Jon Shearer helps other leaders grow their businesses while they grow themselves. As a business consultant and founder of CADENCE CO., he’s helped scale startups towards sustainable growth and successful exit strategies.

“Early on in my career, I ran from leadership,” said Jon. “I didn’t want anything to do with it, mostly because of the examples I had around me. But somehow it caught up to me.”

Despite a 25-year-long career, Jon Shearer can easily breeze through the number of clients he’s served, their revenue growth, their funding history, and other highly specific stats—both big and small—that he’s locked away in his brain over the years.

He’s also quick to turn to data when he shares his cancer story.

“I was 21 years old when I was diagnosed with a 30 percent chance to survive,” said Jon. “That was 23 years ago. I was 6’3” and weighed the same as I did in sixth grade. It wasn’t pretty.”

Like too many cancer survivors, Jon was left to his own devices when the treatment was over with no real direction on where to go or what to do next.

“There’s so much that’s out of your control when you’re going through cancer,” said Jon. “Control seems like an illusion, but there are things you want to take back when the treatment is over, including your mental and physical health.”

Survivor Fitness was founded in 2013 with a mission to empower cancer survivors and a hope to help people heal, physically and mentally, through personal fitness training and nutritional advice. 

Jon was first introduced to Survivor Fitness by his friend and former co-worker, Meg Grunke, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Survivor Fitness. After assisting her with a grant application, he became a board member in 2018 and currently serves as its operations chair.

“Survivor Fitness is really something I wished that I had when I was going through my own journey,” said Jon.

He points to the sense of community that Survivor Fitness provides as an essential part of the recovery program.

“When you’re first diagnosed, there are a lot of people there for you at the beginning,” Jon explained. “There’s a smaller group there during your treatment. And after you’re clear and free and healed, that support goes away. But the journey isn’t over just because you’ve been declared cancer-free.”

“Survivor Fitness gives you the community, the plan, and the built-in support system you need to continue your journey back to wellness,” he said.

Survivor Fitness has served more than 250 cancer survivors to date with programs in Nashville and Knoxville and plans to grow. Like all his fellow board members, Jon has a vision for the program to spread nationwide.

“At the end of the day, Survivor Fitness is great for the patient and for their families,” said Jon. “It’s great for hospitals because of lower readmittance rates. And it’s great for insurers because there’s less recurrence of disease. We have a really great story to share.”

And with the right data, Jon Shearer’s going to help share those stories of wellness, wholeness, and hope beyond cancer.

Jon Shearer is the founder of CADENCE CO., an executive coaching and business consulting firm based in Nashville. Click here for a complete list of Survivor Fitness board members and other members of the leadership team.

Participant Spotlight: Kit B’Smith

Everyone who battles cancer is a fighter. Then, there are warriors like Kit B’Smith. 

After receiving treatment for his second bout with cancer in 2021, Kit’s medical team deemed the cancer incurable. As they were discussing steps he could take to help his body naturally fight the spread of cancer, Kit found Survivor Fitness.   

“As a Christian, mortality is not an issue for me,” Kit reflected. “My quality of life, however, is very important to me. Cancer has a way of affecting a person’s quality of life. I wanted to do everything I could to improve my quality of life despite cancer’s effect on me.” 

A Personal & Purposeful Partner for the Journey

Working alongside his Survivor Fitness coaches, Kit developed a plan based on his unique situation and needs. This included specific routines that would help him maintain strength and stamina as well as finding creative ways he could work out from home. 

“The team at Survivor is not only knowledgeable and professional, but they are also personal in their service. They helped create a plan that was based on my specific needs. We were able to monitor progress and make tweaks and improvements over time.”  

When Fitness Becomes Family for the Fight

“Survivor Fitness was a Godsend!” Kit has shared. “Working out with my team was something I looked forward to each week. Aubrey and Blake supported me physically and emotionally!  They made me feel like family, pumped me up, made me feel better each time I worked out with them.”

As a proud grandfather himself, Kit always provides a paternal presence for everyone in the Survivor Fitness family. His hard work, dedication to the fight, and genuine care for others have contributed to the feeling that nearly every Survivor Fitness participant has after a workout, the feeling of leaving better than you arrived. 

Kit is not only an inspiration to everyone in our community, he’s part of our family. 

Interested in Being Part of the Survivor Fitness Community?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: Brenda Sherman

Every cancer survivor remembers the moment they first received their diagnosis. The days and months that follow can be a grueling journey. But what happens when treatment ends can often be just as challenging. Finding a community to help you navigate the new challenges of your journey towards thriving again can make all the difference.

That was Brenda Sherman’s story.

After Treatment, A New Chapter Begins

“What is it like after you are finished with treatment? There is no preparation. It is completely a physical, mental, and emotional journey. But I had no plans of checking out because of my diagnosis.” 

Brenda became part of our Survivor Fitness family after receiving treatment for a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer. As a controlled type 2 diabetic with metabolic syndrome, she wanted to focus on her health after treatment. 

Like other cancer survivors, Brenda wasn’t able to exercise during radiation, but she tried to stay disciplined by eating what she could. She started Survivor Fitness hoping to get back into exercise.

Finding a Greater Strength in Community

As a Survivor Fitness regular, Brenda has helped cultivate the type of connection and community that helps many of our participants thrive in ways beyond their physical strength and health. 

“Part two of my journey, the aftermath I call it, began when the treatment ended. As a diabetic and cancer patient, it has not been easy. I may always have health struggles with arthritis and diabetes, but the mental and emotional well-being I gain from being part of the Survivor Fitness community is bar none better than just going to a gym.”

Brenda has benefitted from the power of community, and her passion for “being with” people in their fight against cancer has impacted our community in numerous ways. 

Brenda might describe Survivor Fitness as the “missing link” that has helped her recovery. But for others, Brenda has become an invaluable link in that chain that helps others climb their way back to a healthy and thriving life.

“I plan to stick with Survivor Fitness to keep me going on the right path for as long as they will have me.”

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Board Member Spotlight: Sam Owens Pyle


For board member Sam Owens Pyle, the Survivor Fitness Foundation’s mission to provide empowerment and hope for cancer survivors deeply resonates with her family’s decades-long cancer journey.

Sam has proudly served as a Survivor Fitness board member since 2020, and she just recently became the board president after serving as the marketing chair for her first two years. She credits a conversation with a friend and former board member and program participant, Ronn Hollis, for getting her involved.

“When Ronn told me about Survivor Fitness, I immediately asked how I could support their cause, and he asked me to join him on the board,” Sam explained. “I have always strived to keep a connection to cancer-focused non-profits in all philanthropic work that I do, and I love helping others feel better. Survivor Fitness answered both calls for me.”

For the past 23 years, Sam has faithfully stood by her own mother as she’s battled multiple cancer diagnoses and endured years of aggressive treatment.

She’s all too familiar with the physical and mental toll that a life-changing fight against cancer can have on survivors.

“When you’re sick and can’t make your body better, it emotionally drains you,” said Sam. 

“I’ve seen what cancer can do to someone and how much sicker they can get because of the treatment they need to survive,” she explained. “And as someone with an autoimmune disorder, I also know what healthy eating and exercise can do to help a person feel better, look better, and regain a positive outlook on life.”

As a board member, Sam proudly stands by hundreds of participants whose lives were changed by Survivor Fitness.

“I truly believe Survivor Fitness gives survivors the best chance they could possibly have to feel like their best self after beating such a dreadful disease that truly takes a toll on the mind and body,” said Sam.

“Giving survivors a way to get back in shape and regain their energy does something that medicine can’t,” she said. “There’s so much that cancer takes away from you. But so much of that loss is reversible through proper diet and exercise, and that’s something every survivor deserves a chance to discover.”

Today, Survivor Fitness has programs in Nashville and Knoxville with plans to grow.

But as board president, Sam has an even bolder vision for the foundation’s future.

“With the right partnerships, Survivor Fitness can truly become an organization that helps cancer patients nationwide,” she said. “I’m confident that we can find a scalable path forward to help every survivor, no matter who they are or where they live, to look better, feel better, and get better.”

Sam Owens Pyle is the Founder and CEO of Green Apple Strategy, a full-service marketing agency based in Nashville. Click here for a complete list of Survivor Fitness board members, advisory board members, and leadership team.

Participant Spotlight: Patti Kowarko


We love sharing the stories and experiences of the strong individuals who go through our program. Patti Kowarko was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 and went through nearly 30 rounds of chemotherapy. Read a little about her journey and how she learned to persevere.

A Q & A with Patti Kowarko

Survivor Fitness: Tell us about your journey, diagnosis, and why you began the Survivor Fitness programs.

Patti Kowarko: I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast in May of 2020. I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction. I had to complete 26 rounds of chemo, and I am now cancer-free as of August 2021. 

I joined Survivor Fitness because I wanted to regain my strength back that cancer and chemo took from me. It has made me stronger and I feel good about myself again. I am much happier now that I know I can continue getting healthier after learning so much from my trainer at Survivor Fitness

SF: Tell us about your relationship with Survivor Fitness and how you became a participant.

PK: I had a great relationship with my trainer, Stephanie. She was great and pushed me to where I needed to be. I heard about Survivor Fitness from another breast cancer survivor and reached out to Meg (Survivor Fitness Co-founder and Executive Director).

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness during your time with Survivor Fitness?

PK: I’ve learned a great routine—how much physical fitness I need and what I need to nourish my body.

SF: How have you been able to use these programs during this part of your journey?

PK: I work out and eat better because of what I’ve learned through Survivor Fitness.

SF: What was the hardest part of this journey?

PK: Trying not to be sick from chemo.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and looking for support?

PK: Try out the great fitness program. Survivor Fitness will make you stronger and you will learn a lot about yourself.

SF: Do you have anything that stands out to you that you want to share from this journey?

PK: You have to have dedication.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

A Conversation with Aaron Grunke, Founder of Survivor Fitness

By age 23, Aaron Grunke knew what it took to survive cancer. And as co-founder of the Survivor Fitness Foundation, he knows what it takes to thrive again.

In 2004, Grunke was diagnosed with an aggressive form of testicular cancer most commonly found among men in their early 20s. 

His illness meant having to withdraw from Auburn University just one semester short of his original graduation date. 

Two years, three surgeries, seven rounds of chemotherapy, and a diploma later, he was finally declared cancer-free. 

Before his diagnosis, Grunke was a standout high school basketball player who stayed active to keep in shape. When the treatments ended, he was left searching for the strength and endurance he had admittedly taken for granted.

“I didn’t truly know what cancer had taken away from me until I tried to exercise again on my own,” Grunke explained. “When you have cancer, all your energy goes into fighting cancer.”

When the dust settled, he was 30 pounds overweight and had lost significant muscle mass—a result of sitting in chemotherapy sessions for up six hours a day. 

His traumatic experience fighting cancer also lingered in less tangible ways.

“Mentally, I was beyond excited to be done with treatment,” said Grunke. “But I was shell-shocked. I felt alone and isolated with significant anxiety and depression, and no one had given me a constructive way to get rid of it.”

Several years later, Grunke met a personal trainer who took him back to the very basics of physical fitness to finally get back in shape.

“I started doing it his way and saw serious results,” said Grunke. “I got back to my pre-cancer weight. I got my energy back. And I found the mental clarity that really gave me my life back.”

That mental clarity came with an important lesson: that after treatment, cancer survivors need support that can’t be found within hospital walls.

Grunke didn’t have a medical background. What he did have was a compelling experience to share with those experiencing similar obstacles to their physical and emotional wellness.

“I decided that I could tell my story and let other cancer survivors know how they’ll feel after treatment and what they can do about it,” Grunke said.

In 2013, he created the Survivor Fitness Foundation with his wife, Meg, who also serves as executive director.

The program operates with a mission to empower cancer survivors and a hope to help people heal, physically and mentally, through personal fitness training and nutritional advice. 

For twelve weeks, participants meet one-on-one with a dedicated personal trainer in a private setting to build sustainable, long-term exercise habits. 

“There’s no better place to leave your emotions and your fears than a gym,” Grunke explained. “It’s an opportunity to encounter your limitations and find the strength to overcome them.”

Regular consultations with a registered dietitian also help participants recalibrate their diets.

Today, more than 250 people have graduated from the Survivor Fitness program to help recover what was lost, both physically and emotionally.

“We’re here to meet survivors where they are and help guide them through the survivorship journey,” Grunke said. “Facing cancer is tough enough. We don’t want people to feel alone, isolated, and confused about how to feel better after treatment ends.”

Like finally receiving an all-clear diagnosis, he says, the results awaiting their efforts are life-altering.

“It’s like seeing them get their lives back,” said Grunke. “They can handle their daily activities again. They’re not scared of checkups because of how good they feel.”

Above all, Survivor Fitness gives participants the support they need to rediscover lost hope.

“You’ll find a version of yourself that you thought was gone forever,” he remarked. “You’ll have the confidence to become a new you.”

Learn more about supporting our mission or becoming a participant at


Participant Spotlight: John Craver

As if 2020 wasn’t tough enough for everyone, John Craver had an additional obstacle to overcome—soon before the pandemic began John was diagnosed with cancer. We are so proud of and thankful for all of our Survivor Fitness graduates for sharing their stories with us. Their testimonials help inspire others that hope, recovery, and new beginnings are possible beyond cancer. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how John worked to restore his physical and mental health.

A Q & A with John Craver

Survivor Fitness: Tell us a little about how and when you became a participant.

John Craver: Being diagnosed with cancer right before the pandemic made the strange year of 2020 even more of a challenge for me. I was very fortunate to be part of Survivor Fitness for post-cancer treatment.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

JC: I was partnered with Blake at Personal Best Fitness and was able to lose over 25 pounds while gaining strength and stamina. For me, the benefits of working out helped me mentally even more so than physically. I am very grateful to Blake, Personal Best, and Survivor Fitness for helping me feel good about myself and my body.

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

JC: A cancer diagnosis makes you feel like your body is turning against you. To be able to regain control and feel strong and confident about your body again is such a great feeling. I hope others are able to have the same great experience that I did.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

JC: I felt very lucky to be a part of Survivor Fitness. I had a good relationship with my trainer and lost weight. Overall, I had a great experience and would recommend the program for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being after cancer treatment.

Interested in Becoming a Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: Christin Kennard

In 2020, Christin Kennard faced a difficult diagnosis on top of the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite her challenges, she found the strength to put herself first. She was determined to regain her health and wellness. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how Christin started her fitness journey during her time with Survivor Fitness.

A Q & A with Christin Kennard

Survivor Fitness: Tell us a little about how and when you became a participant.

Christin Kennard: In February 2020, I was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer after what turned out to be a six-week process. During that time, I stress-ate and had gained over ten pounds by the time I started chemo the first week of March. As a result of cancer treatment medications, chemo, a double mastectomy and reconstruction, little physical activity—mixed with the stress of the pandemic—I gained a total of a little over 30 pounds and lost a great deal of stamina and muscle tone.

In March of 2021, my Nurse Navigator Lindsay Coleman informed me about the Survivor Fitness program. It seemed like a light at the end of a very dark tunnel, where I had a resultant lack of confidence and became lost in my health issues. I had no clue how to get out. I actually cried when I learned I was accepted into the program on a scholarship. I still have tears as I write this, remembering how hopeless and lost I felt.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

CK:I was paired with the perfect trainer, David Rogers, for my health situation. He assessed where I was physically and mentally, and we went from there. During our twice-weekly meetings, he gently pushed me while making sure I was not straining or hurting myself. He gave me guidance on home workouts and encouraged me to be active every day in some way while never judging when it didn’t happen. He also offered nutritional tips in addition to the advice I had received from the Survivor Fitness nutritionist. I had some obstacles pertaining to muscle soreness and various body aches, which he effectively helped me work through with solid advice and home strategies.

SF: What makes the relationship with Survivor Fitness so good?

CK: The environment of no judgment and encouragement is amazing. No matter where you are, you can go up, and you will with this program. They specialize in helping you heal physically and mentally.

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

CK: My confidence increased as my health did. After joining the program in mid-March, I was able to go back to work full-time and go on a beach vacation in June. Due to a car shortage, there were no cars to rent. Because of Survivor Fitness, I was confident in renting bicycles while we were there. We rode them everywhere, including meals and the grocery. I was also able to go on vacation in New York City in July and keep up with two teenagers. I also recently began training to run a half marathon.

SF: Do you have anything that stands out to you that you want to share from this journey?

CK: Even if you can’t do full workouts, stretch and get up to move. My 30-minute walks led me to start training for a half marathon. Even if that’s not your goal, being active in some way is never wrong.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

CK: Don’t hesitate. Take the leap. No matter what level you are mentally or physically or how much time you have spent being inactive, Survivor Fitness can and will make a difference. It’s about taking one step at a time, one day at a time, and making small changes. They add up and begin to multiply, I promise.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: Alexa Hoover


We love sharing our participants’ experiences because it gives others a glimpse into what is possible when you’re surrounded by the support of a strong community. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how Alexa regained her confidence and healthy lifestyle during her Survivor Fitness programs.

A Q & A with Alexa Hoover

Survivor Fitness: Tell us a little about how and when you became a participant.

Alexa Hoover: My husband told me about Survivor Fitness while I was going through treatment. He knew someone who went through the program several years ago. I was a Survivor Fitness participant from November 2020 to February 2021.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

AH: Working one-on-one with a trainer through Survivor Fitness helped me regain confidence in my abilities to perform strength-based exercises. I was hesitant to do several types of exercises after my treatments and surgery, but having the support and expertise of a trainer helped push me to get back to my prior fitness level. I also learned new exercises that would target the specific areas I needed to work on, and I took this knowledge with me after completing the program.

SF: What makes the relationship with Survivor Fitness so good?

AH: I love the Survivor Fitness community and enjoyed getting involved with the program. Everyone I worked with the entire time was so kind and caring. From Meg [the Co-Founder of Survivor Fitness] to the trainers at the gym, they all made me feel comfortable and like they truly wanted to help me.

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

AH: I have always been a healthy and active person. After going through breast cancer, I didn’t always feel like the healthy and active person I was before. Survivor Fitness helped me regain that confidence. It helped me to focus on my goals and remember to make exercise a priority because I feel better when I am active.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

AH: I would tell them to absolutely participate in this wonderful program! I waited until I had finished active treatment so I could fully focus on my recovery and building strength. You will not regret it, and I believe it will help speed your recovery.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

Participant Spotlight: Mike Cummings

Survivor Fitness helps connect participants to the resources they need to live a healthy and active life. It makes it all worth it when we hear how the program has helped our participants accomplish their goals and return to a life of possibility and wellness. In this Q&A feature, learn more about how Survivor Fitness helped Mike Cummings regain his strength, motivation, and well-being.

A Q & A with Mike Cummings

Survivor Fitness: Tell us about your diagnosis and why you began the Survivor Fitness programs.

Mike Cummings: In May 2016, I had taken a day off from work to do some things around the house and felt a dull pain in my waist that I did not really pay much attention to. A few days later, I started to notice a lump coming up right on my belt line. After researching different medical sites of what it could be, I figured out that it might be an Inguinal Hernia. 

After about three to four days, I started feeling a bit nauseous and finally gave in and went to the ER. At the ER, they tried to reduce it using force, and it would not budge. At that point, it was time to speak to a surgeon. Fast forward a few more days, and I never made it to the surgeon, as I ended up back in the ER. After several hours, the decision was made to do the surgery then and repair it. When I woke up, I was told that I had a lymph node the size of a baseball and it had been sent off to pathology for testing. Nine days later, I got the call that I needed to see an Oncologist and was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.

SF: Tell us about your relationship with Survivor Fitness and how you became a participant.

MC: In March 2021, at my normal check-up, I had a conversation with my oncologist about training and weight loss programs. She introduced me to Survivor Fitness and gave me the referral to get signed up. Not knowing what I was getting into, I did plenty of reading on the program and sent in the application. Within two days, I got a call from the program that I was approved and what costs were associated with it. That conversation drew me right in, and I am glad it did, as I have a great relationship with the program administrators.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

MC: The program gave me multiple options of where I could go that fit my extremely busy schedule with two kids playing competitive baseball. [The Survivor Fitness team] made it so easy to work around my schedule and did not require me to be at a certain place at a certain time. We finally chose South Landing Fitness in Knoxville. After meeting with the owner, we were off to the races within five days. We set a schedule, and I had a workout schedule sent to my phone daily so that I could see what was coming and look back on what I had accomplished. 

The overall goals were to regain the strength I had as an athlete in high school and knock a few pounds off. We were able to accomplish 90% of the strength and 100% of weight loss in 12 weeks (actually 15, with a 3-week layoff due to COVID). 

The overall goal with strength was 1,000 pounds in three lifts, and we accomplished that with squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. I am 100% satisfied with the results of the training, and the knowledge that I learned to be able to do it on my own is invaluable. Especially now that I am working out on my own, I still get contacted by the gym owner to check on me and my progress.

SF: What makes the relationship with Survivor Fitness so good?

MC: The communication and the willingness to help me when I need something, like when I have questions about something that I want to try or what I need to do to keep going forward. I have the options to reach out to the dietician, the gym owner, and even the program administrator. Their willingness to help is definitely second to none. 

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

MC: Seeing results firsthand is always empowering. Sometimes, I would be in the gym at 5:30 a.m. and wonder, “Why in the world am I doing this?” knowing that I had 100 other things to get done in the day. Then, seeing the difference in my energy level, the way my clothes fit, and how good I felt throughout the day was an eye-opener and gave me that small little nudge I needed (and still need) to keep going. Even if it is just for a few minutes a day, grabbing something heavy to add weight and doing some sort of movement helps.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

MC: Do it! Hands down, you won’t regret it. Keep a mindset that you can do it and win. And, ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD!

SF: Do you have anything that stands out to you that you want to share from this journey?

MC: The thing that I really loved about going through this program was that there was absolutely no judgment of any kind. Nothing about weight, strength, mindset—anything. It was always great to walk into the gym—even after a long day or night before—and know that it was a fresh start each time. The same for speaking to anyone from the program; there was no judgment, only solutions to whatever the issue was at the time.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.