Partner Spotlight: Randianne Sears

professional portait of randianne sears on red background

Just like every cancer diagnosis requires a specific treatment plan, recovery also needs a personalized approach. At Survivor Fitness, we understand that each survivor needs a unique path back to health and well-being. That’s why we’re proud to partner with incredible trainers like Randianne Sears, who bring their expertise and a genuine passion for empowering cancer survivors to their work with us.

Randianne, the owner of Evolve Movement Therapy in Spring Hill, Tennessee, has dedicated her career to helping individuals achieve optimal health through fitness and wellness. With over 15 years of experience in group and personal training, she possesses a diverse knowledge of training methods and styles. This depth of experience allows her to create individualized programs that cater specifically to the needs of each Survivor Fitness participant.

Randianne’s connection to Survivor Fitness is a testament to her genuine desire to help others. As she explained, “I’ve always felt like I’ve been called to share what I know.  Cancer is a debilitating disease and leaves a lot of feelings of hopelessness. I feel like I can provide hope to people.” 

Personalization is Key

One of the core principles of Randianne’s approach is personalization. Taking the time to understand each participant’s medical history, current limitations, and long-term goals allows Randianne to craft personalized plans that promote optimal recovery.

“Each cancer survivor has a different story, and that means different recoveries,” she said.  “You can’t duplicate the same training for someone.”

Randianne also champions the importance of patience during the recovery process. She encourages cancer survivors to remember that transformation doesn’t happen overnight and that listening to their bodies is essential to undertaking an effective training regimen. 

Inspiring Recovery: From Exhaustion to Empowerment

Randianne isn’t just focused on physical recovery; she understands the emotional toll cancer can take. Her goal is to equip survivors with the strength and stamina they need to return to their everyday lives.  

“I want them to be able to get back to functional life. Going back to work, being a mom, partner, or whatever you were before, and being able to have the capacity to do that.”

For Randianne, witnessing a participant’s empowerment is her greatest reward. 

My favorite moment is getting to know the clients and seeing the moment when the tide turns for them,” she shared. “They’ve spent the past year completely exhausted from their treatments, and seeing them come full circle is the best.”

A Passionate Advocate

After just a few months of working with Survivor Fitness participants, Randianne has become a vocal champion for the program. Her passion also extends beyond her personal involvement, as she encourages other trainers to consider joining the program.

“It’s a very well-developed program, and I am very humbled to be a part of taking care of someone who has been a part of a long journey like cancer. There are a lot of trainers who should reach out to see if they can help and be a part of the program and there are a lot of candidates who need to apply and be part of Survivor Fitness.” 

Join the Survivor Fitness Community 

Randianne Sears embodies the essence of a Survivor Fitness partner. Her personalized approach, coupled with her unwavering support and dedication, empowers survivors on their path to recovery. Through her work, she inspires participants and fellow trainers, leaving a lasting impact on the Survivor Fitness community.

If you’re a personal trainer or fitness center interested in supporting cancer survivors after treatment, connect with our team to learn how you can join the Survivor Fitness network.

If you’re a cancer survivor looking to get back on your feet after treatment, we’d love for you to check out our program or submit an application today! 

Participant Spotlight: Mitzi Mannon

Mitzi Mannon and her family smiling

The fear and loneliness that grip you after a cancer diagnosis are realities only those who’ve walked the path can genuinely understand. The constant worry is a heavy weight to carry. The isolation of treatment, especially when miles separate you from loved ones, adds another layer of pain. Even after treatment, the journey can feel daunting. That’s why we believe that “battling cancer is lonely and hard, but recovery shouldn’t be.” 

Mitzi Mannon, a vibrant participant in our program, embodies this message. Mitzi’s journey began in July 2021 with a diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. She immediately started an aggressive treatment plan, which included chemotherapy and CAR T-cell therapy. While the physical challenges were formidable, the mental and emotional stress took the heaviest toll. She endured months of treatment in Houston, far away from her family. 

“During treatment, you’re fighting to survive. It’s a mental game of staying positive and praying. My focus was my family and children,” Mitzi said. 

Even after treatment, the emotional rollercoaster continued. “It’s a daily choice to stay positive. You worry constantly. It’s been a journey.”

From Isolation to Inspiration

Through her son’s tennis team, Mitzi discovered Survivor Fitness. The prospect of regaining her physical health and finding others who understood her struggle fueled her decision to apply.

Over 12 weeks, Mitzi began to experience transformation inside and out. She shed the weight gained during treatment, rediscovered her energy, and, most importantly, found a community of support

“Survivor Fitness changed my life. It gave me the drive to get back in the gym, the friendships and support that fueled my will to keep surviving.”

These friendships, she emphasizes, are more than just gym buddies. “It’s a family. Everyone is so positive and helpful, and the trainers truly understand what we’ve been through.”

Finding Strength in the Survivor Fitness Family

In March 2023, Mitzi faced a recurrence of her cancer. Yet the Survivor Fitness community rallied around her, offering unwavering support and encouragement throughout the past year. 

Mitzi’s story is a testament to the transformative power of support and shared experience. It’s a beacon of hope, reminding us that we are not alone, even in the darkest times. To those battling similar struggles, Mitzi extends a hand of encouragement.

 “Reach out to Survivor Fitness. It’s a family of others that will support you, understand what you’ve been through, and help you reach new goals.” 

At Survivor Fitness, we are forever grateful for Mitzi’s resilience and unwavering spirit. She is an inspiration to all who navigate the challenging but empowering journey of healing.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more about our program and our in-person or virtual training options.

7 Ways to Reclaim Your Self-Esteem After Cancer

four people standing with their arms around each other looking at the sunset

We all know the physical toll that cancer and its treatment can take. Hair loss, weight fluctuations, and scarring are visible reminders of the battle you’ve fought. But the invisible impact of the emotional and mental challenges can often feel just as overwhelming. Whether you’re a young woman facing the loss of your breasts, a man grappling with fatigue and changed energy levels, or an older adult navigating new limitations, the journey to regain self-esteem and embrace your post-cancer body can be daunting.

At Survivor Fitness, we understand these challenges firsthand. That’s why our program was designed to help you regain physical strength after treatment and to address the holistic needs of cancer survivors, including the emotional journey. Countless participants have shared how our personalized program, combining fitness training, nutritional coaching, and now, mental health counseling, has empowered them to find renewed strength and self-love. While physical fitness undoubtedly plays a crucial role in boosting self-esteem, we firmly believe that a comprehensive approach is vital to true healing. If you’re feeling lost and unsure where to start, know this: you’re not alone.

Here are a few steps you can take to regain self-esteem after cancer: 


1. Recognize Your Strength

Your body has been through a lot, and it may have changed. Instead of fixating on what’s lost, focus on what your body can still do. Celebrate its strength, resilience, and the amazing things it continues to accomplish.

2. Reconnect with Your Body

If you want to start a fitness routine after cancer, it’s essential to start small with gentle exercise routines. Practice mindful movement, listen to your body, explore activities you enjoy, and engage in self-care rituals. Reconnect with your body on a sensory level, appreciate its sensations, and rediscover the joy of movement.

3. Practice Self-Compassion

More than anything, it’s important to be kind to yourself. Acknowledge the emotional rollercoaster you’re on and validate your feelings. Be patient with your body as it heals and remember that progress takes time. Treat yourself with the same gentle understanding you would offer a loved one facing a similar struggle.

4. Redefine Beauty

Our culture often associates beauty with specific physical attributes, but cancer challenges these narrow definitions. Remember, beauty is multifaceted and also encompasses your strength, resilience, and the unique story of your scars. Embrace the changes in your body as a testament to your incredible fight.

5. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Most of the time, our inner critic can be our biggest enemy. When negative thoughts about your body surface, challenge them with facts and positive self-affirmations. Remember, your appearance does not define your worth.

6. Find Your Tribe

Surround yourself with supportive individuals who celebrate you for who you are and understand what you’ve been through. Connecting with other survivors can offer invaluable support and shared experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance.

7. Celebrate Small Victories

Recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. Celebrate every milestone, big or small, on your journey to feeling good in your own skin. Completing a workout, trying a new outfit, or simply allowing yourself to laugh are all victories worth celebrating.

Regain Your Self-Esteem with Survivor Fitness

Regaining your self-esteem after cancer is a journey, not a destination. But with the right tools and support, you can reclaim your confidence and embrace your beauty, inside and out. The Survivor Fitness program offers a personalized approach to healing that combines fitness training, nutritional coaching, and mental health counseling to empower you on your journey.

Ready to take the first step towards reclaiming your self-esteem?

Learn more about our program or submit an application to discover how we can support you on your path to healing and wholeness.