Our participants know how powerful self-care after cancer treatment can be. We enjoy hearing stories of survivors who have used exercise and nutrition to build themselves up, and Meghan Miller is a great example of that. In this Q&A feature, you can learn more about how Survivor Fitness helped Meghan take back control of her body, mind, and self-care.


Survivor Fitness: Tell us about your diagnosis and why you began the Survivor Fitness programs.

Lekisha Paige: In March 2020, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After months of going through surgery, chemo, and radiation, I was exhausted. I learned about Survivor Fitness through another wonderful, local organization, Breast Connect, Inc. Knowing that I wanted to regain energy and strength as soon as possible, I applied for the Survivor Fitness program while still in active treatment. I was contacted shortly after and started the program in January of 2021 after finishing treatment and getting the ok from my doctor! I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate, and regain control over my health.

SF: How have you been able to regain your health and wellness throughout your time with Survivor Fitness?

LP: Working out with an incredible trainer allowed me to slowly and safely regain strength. I’ve learned so much about proper strength training techniques that I never knew before. Seeing a trainer twice a week held me accountable and also motivated me to work out routinely at home. I had such a great experience with my trainer that I’ve continued working with her after the program ended.

I have more energy and strength now than I did prior to cancer treatments. Self-care had been lacking with little ones, but now I make it a priority.

SF: In what ways does Survivor Fitness empower you to stay active and healthy?

LP: It feels great to be connected with a group that really understands what cancer survivors need to meet their fitness goals. Seeing others who went through the program helped make the recovery process not so daunting.

Learning how to get effective workouts completed in a reasonable time really helps me keep going. With small children, it’s easy to make excuses and tell yourself that you don’t have the time to work out. Also, Survivor Fitness offers useful events throughout the year that help keep you connected.

SF: What would you tell someone else who might be on a similar journey and is considering being a Survivor Fitness participant?

LP: Exercise offers so many benefits in general, but especially after cancer. It helps give you energy and improves your mood. The program really helps you take back some control over your body and mind after not having it for a while. It can also alleviate symptoms from ongoing treatments and lasting side effects. I highly recommend this program to every survivor I meet in the area.

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.