Participant Spotlight: Michael Burke

Michael Burke, survivor fitness participant

The battle with cancer can feel incredibly lonely, even after treatment is over. For many survivors, recovery comes with new challenges that are hard to face alone. But in the midst of these struggles, there are moments of hope and opportunities for deep, meaningful friendships.

This has been the experience of Michael Burke, a participant in Survivor Fitness. Through his journey, Michael found the strength to keep going and important connections that have made a lasting impact on his life.

​​Living with the Side Effects: Michael’s Ongoing Battle

Michael’s journey with cancer began in 2018 when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The initial surgery in 2019 was minimal and, unfortunately, ineffective. By 2021, he underwent a full radical prostatectomy. However, within 18 months, the cancer had metastasized, spreading to his lymph nodes and pelvic bones. After receiving nine weeks of radiation, Michael was placed on a double-dose hormone medication that carried the added risk of bone fractures.

While the radiation treatment lasted only nine weeks, the battle continued for Michael nearly two years later. He remains on the hormone medication, which has significantly impacted his mood, leading to increased depression and impatience. The physical toll was also severe, with excruciating pain in his hands and wrists, heightened sensitivity in his teeth, and persistent hot flashes—occurring every 15 minutes, even today.

Though these physical side effects have been challenging, Michael admits the hardest part has been finding the motivation to keep going each day. Getting out of bed, facing the physical pain, and not giving up became daily hurdles.

A Turning Point: Connecting with Survivor Fitness

Following his radiation treatments, Michael knew he needed help. Understanding that exercise could be a crucial part of both his physical and mental recovery, he began researching trainers who specialized in working with cancer patients. That’s when he stumbled upon Survivor Fitness.

“I knew if I was going to survive this, I needed help, and I knew physical exercise would help me both physically and mentally. Finding the Survivor Fitness website was invaluable.”

Michael recalls how emotional he felt when he first learned about Survivor Fitness.

“When I found the site and read the mission, it brought me to tears. I honestly couldn’t believe that Survivor Fitness existed. It was exactly what I needed.”

Shortly after, Michael was connected with Personal Best Fitness in Brentwood, TN. There, he began working with his trainer, Jordyn Faulks.

Michael started meeting with Jordyn twice a week. After his initial Survivor Fitness sessions ended, he continued working with her, finding in Jordyn not just a trainer but a true source of support and accountability.

“I was so tempted to call in sick and not show up,” Michael admits. “But I quickly realized how important it was for my mental and physical health to show up. Working out twice a week and discussing nutrition helped me have accountability and adopt more healthy habits.”

The impact of his sessions with Jordyn was immediate. Michael noticed improvements in his physical strength and in his ability to cope with the emotional challenges of his ongoing hormone treatment. Nearly two years later, he continues to train with Jordyn, and the benefits are undeniable.

“It’s the best thing I did because not only has it strengthened my bones, preventing fractures, but it’s also been my constant social time that has kept my mood and spirits up. I’m so grateful for Survivor Fitness, and especially for my friendship with Jordyn.”

Building Bonds Beyond Fitness

For Michael, the workouts have been beneficial for his mental and physical well-being. However, beyond the exercise, it has been the social connection that has made the biggest impact. As someone who worked remotely, Michael’s opportunities for social interaction were limited, especially during and after treatment. The two hours a week he spent with Jordyn became a vital part of his recovery.

“Jordyn has become a great friend, and I am convinced that between her and Olivia Fazini (another trainer at the gym), they have quite literally kept me alive.”

The bond between Michael and Jordyn extends beyond the gym. Both fans of Taylor Swift, they attended her Eras Tour concert together in May 2023, which came at a particularly low point in Michael’s struggle with depression. The concert turned out to be a transformative experience.

“It helped me so much. It was such an amazing, joyful concert with 70,000+ people all singing for over three hours. The boost has sustained me over the past year and a half, and it was a great bonding experience to share with Jordyn.”

For Michael, the friendships that have developed with Jordyn, Olivia, and others at Personal Best Fitness have been one of the greatest gifts of his cancer journey. They’ve taught him a valuable lesson about the importance of connection, particularly during difficult times.

“Many of us who are introverts tend to step away from our family and friends when we’re hurting physically and mentally, but I’m learning it’s exactly what I need. It’s so easy to get in our heads and think that we can’t go on another day, but there are so many people who want to help—they just need you to ask.”

Get Connected with the Survivor Fitness Community

Michael’s journey through cancer has been anything but easy, but through Survivor Fitness, he found newfound physical strength and deep friendships that have sustained him emotionally. His story is a testament to the power of community and the impact that meaningful connections can have on the road to recovery. 

At Survivor Fitness, Michael discovered more than just a workout plan—he found hope, accountability, and the kind of friendship that makes all the difference. If you are a cancer survivor seeking hope and support after treatment or know someone who is, we invite you to learn more about our programs and how we can help you reclaim your strength. Reach out with questions or apply today to take the first step towards a healthier and happier future.

It’s Never Too Late: Starting Your Fitness Journey After Cancer 

woman in push up position using dumbbells

Cancer survivors often face a unique and overwhelming challenge after treatment. Many want to “get back to normal” or do something positive for themselves, but the physical and emotional toll of cancer can leave them feeling weak, tired, and uncertain about what to do next. It’s common for survivors to feel like it might be too late to start something new, especially if they’ve been inactive for a while. 

At Survivor Fitness, we’ve had the privilege of witnessing participants of all ages and fitness levels reclaim their strength and health, proving that it’s never too late to start. We’ve worked with individuals from 18 to 84 years old, from those who were extremely active to those who had never exercised regularly before their diagnosis. One thing they all have in common is their determination to take steps towards better health. 

If there’s one piece of advice our participants consistently share with other survivors, it’s this: “Do it! It’s never too late to take control of your health and start rebuilding your strength.”

In that spirit, we want to offer a few tips to help you begin your own fitness journey after cancer. These resources are designed with cancer survivors in mind, so you can feel empowered to take those first steps, no matter where you are in your recovery.

Tips for Starting Your Fitness Journey After Cancer

1. Reignite Your Motivation to Move After Treatment

Getting back into exercise after treatment can be tough, but it starts with reconnecting to your personal “why.” Whether it’s feeling stronger, gaining energy, or doing something just for you, finding that spark of motivation can keep you moving on even the hardest days. Remember, progress isn’t about speed; it’s about rediscovering the joy in movement.

2. Ease Into Your Fitness Routine with Gentle Workouts

Your body has been through a lot, so it’s important to start small and build up gradually. Begin with gentle exercises like walking, stretching, or yoga to reintroduce movement into your life. Even short, 10- to 15-minute sessions can make a big difference over time. Small, consistent steps make a big impact over time, so focus on moving at your own pace without overdoing it.

3. Stretch to Boost Flexibility and Aid Recovery

Stretching is an essential part of any fitness routine, especially after cancer treatment. It helps improve flexibility, reduce muscle stiffness, and increase circulation—all things that can support recovery. Regular stretching also reduces your risk of injury, which is especially important when you’re just getting back into exercise.  

Post-treatment, your body can feel stiff and tight, and regular stretching helps reduce that discomfort. Simple stretches can increase your range of motion and set the stage for a safe and effective workout.

4. Tailor Your Routine to Fit Your Body’s Age and Needs

Exercise isn’t one-size-fits-all, especially when you’re recovering from cancer. Tailor your workouts to match your current fitness level, age, and energy levels. Whether you’re focusing on light movement or more challenging routines, the goal is to find a routine that works for you—one that meets your body where it is today and challenges you in a healthy, sustainable way.

5. Adapt Your Exercises Based on Your Treatment History

Certain cancer treatments can have long-term effects on your body, making it important to modify exercises when necessary. For example, if you’ve had surgery or radiation in specific areas, certain movements may need to be adjusted to prevent discomfort or injury. Always listen to your body and consult with a fitness professional or physical therapist who has experience working with cancer survivors. They can guide you in choosing exercises that are safe and effective for your unique situation.

6. Make Fitness Fun by Exploring Creative Movement

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore—it can be something you enjoy! Explore creative ways to move your body that make you feel good, whether it’s dancing in your living room, hiking in nature, or trying a new fitness class with friends. The more you can incorporate activities you love, the more likely you are to stick with your routine. Fitness should be something that enhances your life, not something you dread.

7.  Measure Your Progress Beyond the Scale

It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers on a scale, but when it comes to rebuilding strength after cancer, progress is about much more than weight. Focus on how your body feels, how much energy you have, and how your strength and endurance improve over time. Even if the scale doesn’t move, you’re still making significant gains in your health and fitness. Celebrate those wins, no matter how small they seem, and remember that progress is a journey, not a destination.

It’s Never Too Late: Take the First Step Today

Starting a fitness journey after cancer may feel daunting, but it’s never too late to begin. At Survivor Fitness, we’ve seen firsthand how transformative exercise can be for cancer survivors of all ages. Whether you’re looking to regain strength, improve your mental well-being, or simply take a step toward a healthier lifestyle, we’re here to help.

If you’re feeling unsure about where to start, that’s exactly why Survivor Fitness exists. Our programs are designed to meet you where you are and guide you through the process with support every step of the way. Take the first step by exploring our resources, reading participant spotlights, or applying to join one of our programs

We’re here to help you every step of the way—because it’s never too late to take control of your health and start moving forward.

Participant Spotlight: Emma Driver

At Survivor Fitness, we understand how cancer impacts the body, the mind, and the spirit. The emotional and mental toll of treatment can feel just as overwhelming as the physical challenges, leaving survivors with self-esteem issues and a feeling of isolation. It can be a lonely journey that requires internal strength, vulnerability, and a connection with community to support the recovery process.

That describes the journey of Survivor Fitness participant Emma Driver.

A Fight for Both Body and Mind

In March 2023, Emma’s life changed dramatically when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Soon after, she began six months of chemotherapy treatment in May. Before her diagnosis, Emma was a singer with endurance for long performances and an active lifestyle that included regular workouts three to four times a week. But after completing chemotherapy in October, Emma found herself in a place she had never been before—weak, disconnected from her body, and feeling completely different. 

However, the physical effects of treatment were only one part of the challenge. The emotional and mental toll of cancer proved to be just as difficult. At times, Emma wrestled with deep questions about being so young and battling such a serious illness. She often wondered if people believed it was somehow her fault. The loss of her hair further compounded her struggle with self-image.

The mental and emotional difficulties she faced during treatment inspired a new song that Emma recently released called, “Try Hard.” The opening lyrics are a powerful reflection of the inner battle she was fighting, one that many cancer survivors know all too well.

“It’s too much to be seen—what a nightmare to be perceived…” 

Thankfully, Emma had a supportive circle of friends and family to help her navigate the hardest moments of her treatment. But when it came to her physical recovery, she needed something more.

Finding Healing Through Caring Connection 

A few months after her treatment ended, Emma’s mother discovered Survivor Fitness and encouraged her to apply. While Emma was intrigued, she also had her doubts.

“At first, I was skeptical because I was so weak!” Emma recalls. “I couldn’t even open up a jar in my house, let alone lift weights.”

She was both excited and nervous, but she believed it would help her feel like herself again, so she knew she had to try. Emma was connected with her trainer Lauren to begin her personal fitness training. This connection became one of the most inspiring and encouraging parts of Emma’s recovery journey. From their very first meeting, Emma felt that Lauren genuinely cared about her well-being.

“I remember how nervous I was to take my wig off for my first session. I almost worked out with it on,” Emma recalled. But her nerves quickly subsided. “I knew Lauren had experience with this and wouldn’t care. So much of it was in my head.”

As Emma’s training sessions progressed, her confidence grew. Soon, she felt so comfortable with Lauren and her routine that she forgot about her wig entirely. “After a few sessions, I cared so little that I left my wig at the gym and accidentally drove away without it!”

Each week, Emma noticed small improvements in her strength and stamina. With every session, her body felt more capable, and she began to feel more like herself again. 

“Feeling myself get stronger again was further proof of how strong I was,” Emma shared. “I started to feel good again. Honestly, once I knew I was headed right back to being healthy and happy, I really couldn’t care less what other people were thinking.”

Emerging Stronger Than Before

For Emma, the combination of returning to her music and regaining her physical strength was the key to reclaiming her identity. Incredibly, she was able to surpass some of her personal fitness records from before her cancer diagnosis—an accomplishment that filled her with pride.

“It reminded me that despite the literal horror of what I’d been through, there are still whole chapters of my life I haven’t even dreamt of yet,” she reflected. “I can still grow and become even better and stronger than who I was before cancer.”

Through the Survivor Fitness programs, Emma found more than just a way to rebuild her body—she discovered a deeper, more resilient version of herself. The experience helped her navigate not just the physical challenges of recovery but also the emotional and mental hurdles she faced along the way.

Survivor Fitness: A New Chapter of Strength

Emma’s story is one of courage, resilience, and hope. Her journey through cancer and her recovery with Survivor Fitness is a testament to the power of community, personalized support, and inner strength.

If you’re a cancer survivor or know someone who is, we invite you to learn more about our programs. Like Emma, take the first step and apply today—you never know what strength and confidence you might discover along the way.

Board Member Spotlight: Hollie Adams

Hollie Adams, Survivor Fitness Board Member

At Survivor Fitness, our mission is to transform the way people navigate life after cancer. We’ve been fortunate to celebrate countless success stories thanks to the dedication of our team, partners, donors, and volunteers, as well as the passion of our alumni and friends in the medical community. But with more than 43,000 Tennesseans expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year alone, the need for support is incredibly great. We remain focused on expanding our reach, working as hard as we can to help as many survivors as possible.

One person who shares this passion for growth and innovation is Survivor Fitness board member Hollie Adams. An experienced healthcare executive, Hollie has a wealth of experience leading strategic growth and marketing initiatives for hospitals and networks such as Ascension Health, Community Health Networks, and Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St. Vincent in Indianapolis. 

Turning a Personal Battle Into a Mission for Change

Prioritizing fitness was always an important part of Hollie’s lifestyle. But in 2021, her life took a sudden turn when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Following her double mastectomy, Hollie experienced significant weakness and a limited range of motion. Although she was eager to regain her strength, getting back into a fitness routine proved more challenging than anticipated.

Once cleared by her doctor, Hollie attempted to return to her home gym, hoping to get back into a normal workout routine. However, the demands of exercise after surgery took a toll on her body. During one workout, she fainted from pushing herself too hard.

“I was trying to do too much too soon. That’s when I realized that cancer survivors require experts who know how to properly heal the body from the kind of trauma that comes from cancer surgery,” Hollie said.

Recognizing she needed professional guidance, Hollie turned to Google in search of a program that could help her safely rebuild her strength. That search led her to Survivor Fitness. After completing the online application, Hollie received a response within the same week. She soon began working with a personal trainer and nutritionist to regain her strength and stamina in a safe and effective way.

From Survivor to Advocate: A Vision for Thriving After Cancer

A year after completing the Survivor Fitness programs, a colleague reconnected Hollie with the leadership team at Survivor Fitness. This opportunity allowed her to get to know the organization from a different perspective—one that extended beyond her personal journey as a participant. Through this connection, Hollie discovered how deeply the mission of Survivor Fitness resonated with her experience.

“When people with cancer go through treatment, the medical community refers to those patients as survivors. While going through treatment, being called a survivor didn’t feel right. I didn’t want to just survive cancer – I wanted to grow and thrive from it. Survivor Fitness’s mission is to empower survivors to reclaim their health and thrive after cancer treatment. That really resonated with me,” Hollie explained.

Hollie’s personal journey and her passion for helping others aligned seamlessly with her professional expertise in healthcare and strategy. She is committed to cultivating connections and conversations within the adult oncology space. 

The need for collaboration is clear. With tens of thousands of Tennesseans facing a cancer diagnosis each year, there is an urgent call to create a holistic system of care—one where Survivor Fitness is seamlessly integrated into the oncology space, offering cancer survivors the tools and support they need to reclaim their health after treatment.

“Survivor Fitness has realized incredible growth in the past few years, and it is exciting for me to envision an organization that could help every cancer patient truly thrive after treatment and live their best life possible,” Hollie said.

A Brighter Future for Survivors

We’re incredibly grateful for Hollie’s passion, vision, and dedication to expanding our mission. Her experience as both a cancer survivor and a professional in the healthcare field brings invaluable insight to our board. With her leadership, we are confident that Survivor Fitness will continue to grow and help more survivors regain their strength and truly thrive after treatment.

If you, or someone you know, is a cancer survivor looking for support, we invite you to learn more about our programs. Together with dedicated advocates like Hollie, we are committed to helping more survivors become “thrivers.”

I Can and I Will: Building Mental and Emotional Resilience After Cancer

I can and will spelled with scrabble letters.

The journey after cancer treatment is a marathon, not a sprint. If you’ve followed us on social media recently, you might have seen the inspiring “I Can and I Will” signs our participants hold during fitness training sessions. This powerful phrase embodies the resilient spirit that has been part of our programs from the very beginning. But rebuilding mental and emotional strength is just as crucial as physical fitness.

For many survivors, the mental and emotional challenges of life after cancer treatment can be just as difficult as the physical battle. A staggering 75% of cancer survivors report experiencing psychological distress or cognitive difficulties even after completing treatment. This statistic is a stark reminder of the importance of holistic recovery. This reality is one of the primary reasons we were so excited about adding mental health counseling to our Survivor Fitness programs.

10 Powerful Strategies to Build Mental and Emotional Resilience After Cancer

Here at Survivor Fitness, we’ve walked alongside hundreds of participants. Through their experiences, we’ve learned valuable lessons about building your mental and emotional strength after cancer. These insights have shaped our programs to empower you on your unique journey.

1. Seek Professional Guidance

Don’t hesitate to connect with a licensed therapist or counselor specializing in survivorship. These professionals can equip you with tools to manage emotions and navigate your new normal. Here at Survivor Fitness, we’re thrilled about the addition of mental health counseling as one of our programs, allowing participants to access months of one-on-one coaching and online therapy sessions. If you’re interested in meeting with a licensed therapist to help you navigate the mental and emotional challenges of your recovery journey, we can help you find the right one

2. Craft Your Personal Mantra

Creating a personal mantra can be incredibly empowering. Make it personal to you—some of our participants have specific goals they want to achieve, while others adopt mantras like “never give up, never give in.” Finding what works for you in this specific season of your journey can provide daily motivation and a sense of purpose.

3. Embrace Physical Activity 

Science has proven that there are dozens of mental, emotional, and relational benefits of physical activity after cancer. This is why Survivor Fitness began as a fitness training program. Whether you’re new to exercise or a seasoned athlete, there’s something for everyone. Start with gentle exercise movements like walking or find activities you enjoy, such as yoga or swimming. Make physical activity a regular part of your routine.

5. Find (or Create) a New Support System

If there’s one thing we’ve noticed after launching our programs, it’s that connecting with others who share similar experiences can be incredibly empowering. One of the most inspiring aspects of our program is witnessing the supportive spirit within the Survivor Fitness community and hearing stories of alumni and participants who have found new support systems on their journey of recovery after treatment. 

6. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Techniques like mindfulness and meditation can significantly reduce stress and promote emotional well-being. Whether it’s practicing yoga or using an online app, there are numerous resources to guide you on your mindfulness journey.

7. Fuel Your Body

Nourishing your body with nutritious foods has a profound impact on your mental and emotional health. That’s why Survivor Fitness offers nutritional support, including consultations with registered dietitians. These personalized sessions address effective eating habits and any dietary concerns you may have.

8. Celebrate the Small Wins

This is a common theme echoed by our fitness trainers and nutrition specialists—celebrating small victories is crucial for maintaining motivation. Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Focus on the positive steps you’re taking toward healing and well-being. 

9. Develop Strategies for Cancer-Related Anxiety

Fear of recurrence is a common concern for survivors. Financial worries, body image changes, and managing long-term health needs can also contribute to the mental burden. Empowering yourself with knowledge and developing resilience can help you navigate cancer-related anxiety. 

10. Try New Strategies for Increasing Your Self-Esteem

Because so many cancer survivors experience weight gain or muscle loss during treatment, losing self-esteem is one of the most common ramifications that cancer survivors face. Finding new ways to reclaim your self-esteem after cancer and celebrating small victories can be an effective way to find new sources of mental and emotional strength. 

11. Be Patient with Yourself

Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. It takes time to adjust both physically and emotionally. Be kind to yourself and celebrate every step forward, no matter how small. Patience and self-compassion are crucial elements of your recovery journey.

We’re Here for You

At Survivor Fitness, we understand the unique challenges faced by cancer survivors post-treatment and offer a holistic set of programs designed to empower you to find the support you need. Learn more about our programs or apply today to begin your journey towards a brighter, stronger future.

Board Member Spotlight: Peyton Cherry

Professional portrait of Peyton Cherry.

Passion. It’s a word that permeates and drives so much of our work at Survivor Fitness. It fuels the determination of our participants as they reclaim their health and rebuild their lives through our programs. It drives the dedication of the trainers, therapists, and dietitians who guide them on their journey. And it underpins the unwavering commitment of our volunteers, supporters, advocates, and board members who help us amplify our impact.

Passion is also the perfect word to describe one of our dedicated board members, Peyton Cherry. A native Knoxvillian, Peyton’s connection to Survivor Fitness began through mutual friends who introduced him to our founders, Aaron and Meg Grunke. Hearing Aaron’s story of resilience during his own battle with cancer deeply inspired Peyton, prompting him to get involved.

A Heart for Transformation

“I was truly inspired not only by Aaron’s story,” Peyton says, “but by all of those who’ve participated in the Survivor Fitness programs. The organization strives to do good on the largest possible scale, which truly shows within the community of tightly knit individuals who participate in this program.”

Peyton’s involvement with Survivor Fitness began to grow as he attended more events, including our Knoxville Survivor Soirée. This event, which featured a live auction, was particularly meaningful to Peyton. The auction raised funds for the financial support and scholarships we offer to participants, ensuring that anyone who needs our programs can access them.

“Seeing all the attendees raise their paddles and donate generously to promote the cause was beyond special to witness,” Peyton reflected.

It’s no surprise then that Peyton’s passion, coupled with his strong ties to the Knoxville community, made him a perfect candidate for our board in 2023. His primary focus is to expand our reach and connect with businesses and individuals who share our mission. He believes this increased exposure will draw in more resources and support and attract a wider range of participants who could benefit from Survivor Fitness programs.

“With the year-over-year growth of Survivor Fitness,” Peyton says with optimism, “the number of people able to join this program is only going to increase. The ability to touch so many lives is amazing, I can’t wait to see what the future holds.”

The Power of Community

Beyond passion, Peyton understands the power of community. As a real estate agent, he witnesses firsthand the profound impact that a strong support network can make for cancer survivors. This understanding resonates deeply with Survivor Fitness’ core values.

“The feeling of having folks around you with similar stories helps to invoke hope among the individuals within it,” Peyton explains. “The Survivor Fitness programs are not only special to me, but to so many within the community.”

At Survivor Fitness, we are incredibly grateful for Peyton’s unwavering passion and boundless energy. His dedication to expanding our reach allows us to empower more cancer survivors as they move towards a happier, healthier future after treatment.

Participant Spotlight: Joy Buckley Reed

Joy Buckley Reed Smiling in a Gym.

For many cancer survivors, the end of treatment marks a new beginning, filled with both hope and uncertainty. There’s a yearning to reclaim something lost, to do something positive for oneself. At Survivor Fitness, we believe in empowering survivors to take those steps forward, to discover strength and reclaim your self-esteem after cancer.

Joy Buckley Reed is a shining example of this spirit. In January 2022, Joy received the life-altering news that she had been diagnosed with not one, but two primary cancers: Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer and a Stage IV pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. This diagnosis marked the start of a months-long journey filled with treatments and surgeries. But her story is one of resilience, determination, and triumph.

Taking the First Step with Survivor Fitness

Joy first heard about Survivor Fitness at a cancer information day at Meharry Medical Center in early 2023. The programs piqued her interest, but it wasn’t until later that year — when she saw it advertised on a monitor at Vanderbilt — that she decided to take the first step and apply.

“During treatment, I was focused on treatments and doctor appointments. I believed that Survivor Fitness gave me a chance to do something good for myself,” Joy shared.

Like many cancer survivors, Joy had experienced a loss of muscle tone in her thighs and core due to her diagnosis and treatment. She also had a shoulder injury that required surgery for correction.  Yet, she was determined to rebuild her strength and reclaim her body.

A Journey of Recovery and Resilience

Joy began working with her fitness trainer, Lauren, to develop a customized plan tailored to her specific needs. The plan aimed to reduce the pain from her shoulder surgery and help her regain the strength she had lost during treatment. The process was challenging, but the support and encouragement from Lauren made a significant difference.

“She pushed me just enough to make a big difference,” Joy said of her trainer.

About two-thirds of the way through the programs, Joy moved further away from the fitness center. Despite the longer drive, she recognized the value of her weekly fitness sessions with Lauren and stayed committed to seeing the programs through. Joy knew that the effort and time she was investing would pay off in the end.

Discovering “The Good” and Sharing the News

By the time she completed Survivor Fitness, Joy had achieved significant milestones. She was able to do squats and planks again, regaining the strength and confidence that had been hampered during treatment. But the benefits weren’t just physical—Joy’s progress also had a profound impact on her mental and emotional well-being, leaving her feeling more confident and better about herself.

Survivor Fitness became more than just a workout routine for Joy. It was a catalyst for personal growth and resilience. Through the programs, Joy discovered the “good” that can be found in challenging yourself and investing in your recovery after cancer. 

She has since become one of our biggest advocates, sharing her positive experience with other cancer survivors. In fact, Joy has personally referred two new participants to the programs, eager to help others find the same sense of empowerment and healing that she did.

Join the Survivor Fitness Community

Joy’s story is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, hope and healing are possible. We are incredibly grateful for her courage and determination. 

If you’re a cancer survivor or know someone who is, we invite you to learn more about our programs. And like Joy, take the first step and apply today — you never know what strength and confidence you might discover along the way.