Participant Spotlight: Natasha Leeth

As a wife, mother, grandmother, and licensed therapist, Natasha’s life was filled with the joyful gifts and responsibilities that come with caring for others. Like most survivors, Natasha Leeth’s story is intertwined with other events and occasions in her life.  

Natasha’s battle with cancer began in March 2021, when her doctor requested a follow-up visit after her annual exam. She scheduled her appointment the day before her daughter’s 17th birthday. That day, her doctor informed her that she had DCIS and would need to be seen by a breast surgeon. 

“I was by myself because I wasn’t expecting any bad news,” Natasha said. “I was in disbelief. I had been consistently receiving my yearly exam, and then this?”

The Highs of Life with the Lows of Cancer

After her diagnosis, Natasha met with her wonderful team of doctors to develop a plan. But after two unsuccessful lumpectomy surgeries, she decided to have a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. Her doctors also determined that she needed a short round of chemotherapy.

“My daughter started the first day of her senior year of high school and I headed to chemo on the same day,” she shared. “I was unable to attend a lot of her senior activities and missed my son’s entire basketball season due to being exhausted and immunocompromised.” 

Despite the side effects of treatment, Natasha still found a way to make her family feel important. Their support also made a tremendous difference in her fight. Thankfully, Natasha’s final surgery was successful, and she was able to return to work seven months later.

Tackling Life’s Responsibilities with “A Better, Stronger Me”

After needing to rest and recover for over seven months, Natasha knew she needed to do something to regain her strength. While talking with her surgeon about physical therapy options, she was given a brochure about the Survivor Fitness program. Natasha will always remember walking out of the office, reading it, and contacting the Survivor Fitness team while she was waiting to see her oncologist the same day! 

“Cancer changed my life. Learning new ways to keep moving forward became my focus,” she described. “I wanted a program that would understand what I was going through and be sensitive to that.” 

Alongside her personal trainer, Natasha figured out how to make exercise and fitness a priority in her everyday routine.

“Having a family, I constantly neglected my physical health,” she said. “The program provided me with the accountability and structure I needed to get back to my active lifestyle.”

Like most Survivor Fitness participants, Natasha was amazed by the results she experienced. The program allowed Natasha to engage in her normal joyful experiences and responsibilities. 

“I am able to carry my grandbaby without any difficulty. I was also able to care for my son (who is 6’6”) when he broke his leg.” she shared. “I am so grateful to the program for helping me be a better, stronger me!” 

A New Outlook on Life and Work

Like many cancer survivors, Natasha’s battle with cancer was life-changing in so many ways. While the journey was difficult, it also inspired Natasha to explore a new opportunity to help and serve others. After her treatment and experience with Survivor Fitness, Natasha decided to find ways that she could support clients who want to integrate health and wellness with traditional counseling. 

“Now I am training to be a health and wellness coach in addition to providing psychotherapy! I was blessed throughout my journey in many ways and I hope to be a blessing to others.”

Survivor Fitness played a pivotal role in Natasha’s cancer recovery journey. Now, she can make a positive impact on the lives of countless people through her new vocation in health and wellness, in addition to the difference she’s already making as a wife, mother, and grandmother. 

Become Part of the Survivor Fitness Movement

If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain strength and health after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more about participating in our program or check out more stories of other participants or learn how you can help others heal by donating to Survivor Fitness.  

How to Adapt Your Exercise Routines As You Age

How to Adapt Your Exercise Routines As You Age-min

Exercise and fitness are crucial for living a healthy lifestyle at any age, but it’s especially important for adults who want to maintain their mental and physical health as they get older. However, creating an enjoyable and effective exercise routine can be challenging. Discomfort, pain, reduction in muscle mass, or lingering injuries are just a few obstacles that make it difficult to find an exercise routine that works.  

At Survivor Fitness, we’ve worked with cancer survivors of all ages to help people implement an individualized fitness plan. We partner with skilled personal trainers who design sustainable exercise routines for participants based on their age, fitness level, and the impact of their cancer treatment. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that all adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, regardless of age. As you get older, the way you approach exercise should evolve based on how your body has changed. For example, maintaining a healthy weight becomes a real struggle as people enter their 40s, but high-impact cardio exercises like running can damage joints. Chronic aches and pains can begin to cause problems once people reach 50, which can mean finding different exercise routines that help mitigate those issues.

Your exercise routines will evolve as you age, and understanding that concept is key to maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Your approach to fitness should give you energy and increase longevity rather than cause damage to your body. As you look for ways to adapt your exercise routine, here are a few helpful best practices to consider: 

Strength: Focus on Your Core with Pattern-Based Training

Maintaining strength is a priority for men and women as they age. But as you get older, weightlifting can be replaced with controlled reps and movement patterns that help you build a solid foundation of strength. For example, instead of lifting weights on a bench press, you might consider standing press exercises that utilize your body weight for resistance. There are many ways you can modify an exercise to fit your current fitness level

Incorporate Mobility & Agility Exercises into Your Routine

Mobility, agility, and balance become increasingly important as you age. Whether you’ve dealt with an injury or you’re experiencing the natural stiffness that comes with age, it can be helpful to incorporate specific exercises that enhance your agility. It’s also important to maintain balance to prevent falls and other injuries. Start small and work up to balancing, jumping, or doing strength training exercises on one foot. 

Be Intentional with Your Warm Up & Recovery

The first challenge that active people typically notice is that it takes longer to recover from exercise as you age. Soreness after running a half-marathon might linger for a few more days than it did in your twenties. Giving your body more time to rest after exercise is important. Dividing physical tasks into manageable intervals can also help you incorporate recovery into your routine. Stretching before and after a workout is another important habit. In many cases, the way you warm up and recover is just as important as the way you exercise.  

Build an Exercise Routine that Works for You

While incorporating new habits is a good idea, the key to sustainable, lifelong fitness is to find an activity that fits your unique needs, goals, and lifestyle. There are questions you can ask yourself to help you determine the right match for you, including: 

What are your current physical capabilities? What challenges or limits are you facing? Are there other factors, such as work demands or family responsibilities, that could impact your exercise routines? 

All of these are important questions to consider as you look to adapt your fitness habits as you age. Trying new activities can also unlock new and unexpected opportunities like incorporating fun workouts to do with your spouse or creative indoor exercises into your routine.

Need Guidance Adapting Your Exercise Routine? 

As with any fitness-related goal, it can be helpful to talk with your doctor or a trained professional to answer any questions you might have. 

If you’re a cancer survivor, the Survivor Fitness approach is designed to help you regain your health and wellness through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. We walk alongside you to provide you with the tools you need to get the most out of your recovery. Contact us today to learn more!