The Need for Support Doesn’t End After Cancer Treatment

Support for cancer

Cancer is a physical, mental, and emotional roller coaster—and it doesn’t come to a screeching halt once treatment ends. In fact, life after treatment can be one of the most challenging times for individuals diagnosed with cancer. Cancer treatments and therapies can have long-term effects on the body. Often, it takes time, adjustment, and conditioning to adapt and recover after treatment. Survivor Fitness was founded so that no cancer survivor would have to navigate post-treatment recovery alone. 

In light of ALL the challenges that cancer survivors face, it’s important to find support for life after treatment. Relying on your family, friends, co-workers, and community is just as important after treatment as it was during it. Whether you’re a cancer survivor or looking to support a loved one, we wanted to use this article as an opportunity to highlight different types of support that make a difference in the lives of individuals after cancer treatment.  

Emotional Support

Recovering from cancer treatment isn’t just about your body. It’s also about healing your mind. Find practitioners, friends, and family, who can be there for you as you process emotions and plan for the future. Remember you are not alone on this journey. 

Support To Build a Healthy Body Image 

If cancer affected your physical well-being, it’s important to realize you may struggle to accept your new appearance. Try not to underestimate how impactful that might be to your recovery. It’s important to be able to talk through those frustrations with people you love and recognize what may or may not be in your ability to control. 

Support for Navigating the “New Normal” 

There are dozens of changes that you experience during and after cancer treatment. In addition to the physical and emotional changes, there’s also the reality of navigating life after cancer. How do you spend your time now that you don’t have appointments? How might your healing impact your capacity to work and play? These are all challenging questions to answer.

Finding people who understand the impact that cancer has on the “intangible” factors of life can be helpful in finding your place in the various roles and responsibilities you have. 

Nutritional and Physical Support 

Most cancer survivors deal with changes to their diet and exercise routines after treatment. Some want to lose weight that was gained during treatment. Others want to simply be able to walk upstairs again without difficulty. Whatever your health goals might be, it’s helpful to rely on loved ones who recognize the impact that treatment had on your body and can help you take the next steps to regain your strength and stamina. 

Don’t Walk Your Post-Treatment Road Alone

At Survivor Fitness, we like to say that beating cancer is just the beginning of your story. If you’re a cancer survivor located in the Tennessee area, we can walk alongside you to progress your post-treatment recovery, empowering you to take control of your healing journey. You can read stories from other survivors to learn how they managed life after cancer or connect with our team to learn how to get started with our program.

Participant Spotlight: Victoria May

We often hear our participants say that the need for support doesn’t end after cancer treatment ends. For many survivors, a cancer diagnosis and treatment can have physical and emotional consequences that last for months or years after their initial diagnosis. That was also the experience of Survivor Fitness participant Victoria May. 

Victoria was diagnosed with DCIS breast cancer in 2019. In addition to undergoing a single mastectomy, Victoria underwent several surgeries and had to fight numerous infections during her treatment. After her final surgery, Victoria was diagnosed with lymphedema—an uncomfortable and often painful build-up of lymphatic fluid—in her right arm. 

Seeing Tangible Results, One Step at a Time

Victoria experienced many side effects of breast cancer treatment, including weakness, weight gain, and scar tissue development. She also had swelling and pain in her arm and hand from the lymphedema. 

In order to treat the lymphedema, Victoria wore a compression sleeve for more than a year. During that year, Victoria heard about Survivor Fitness and decided to reach out. 

I started Survivor Fitness to help me learn from a trainer how to properly work out, especially with the lymphedema,” Victoria said. “And I wanted to take back my life and create better habits for myself.“ 

Victoria filled out the application and was connected with a trainer who designed a personal fitness plan that would help her achieve her goals. Like many Survivor Fitness participants, Victoria received a scholarship that allowed her to participate in the program at no cost. 

Over the course of 12 weeks, Victoria worked out with several trainers to regain strength and relieve some of her physical discomfort. This made a tremendous difference in her recovery journey. 

“I know that I feel stronger and have less pain and my arm feels much better,” she said. “I know working out helped my lymphatic flow.”

Victoria acknowledges that her trainers have made a tremendous impact on the mental and emotional aspects of recovery as well. 

“[My trainers] have been some of my biggest supporters and are so knowledgeable and encouraging,” she mentioned. “I can’t thank them enough.

Embracing the New Victoria

Today, Victoria continues to participate in the Survivor Fitness program through small-group sessions. This allows her to keep up her workout routine. Having a group to work with offered her helpful accountability. 

“This program is too good to pass up,” Victoria said. “To have such an opportunity given to me was too good to not go for!”

Like most cancer survivors, the journey after treatment hasn’t been easy for Victoria. But her strong spirit and decision to accept her situation proved to be life-altering moments.

“The most difficult part of the journey was realizing that I was never going to be the same again. I had to embrace the change in myself both physically and mentally. Once I started doing that, I was able to move forward and embrace a new me. Survivor Fitness has definitely helped me do that.”

When asked what advice she would give someone who has experienced similar challenges, Victoria summed it up perfectly:

“Talk to people to see what will be right for you. The bottom line is, you have to start somewhere. We never know until we try, so what are you waiting for?”

Interested in Becoming a Survivor Fitness Participant?

Victoria’s bravery to start the program and perseverance to continue the journey has been such an inspiration to our team at Survivor Fitness. If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! Connect with us today to learn more.

4 Indoor Exercise Ideas for the Cold Winter Months

indoor workout

Whether you’re a cancer survivor or someone looking to live a healthier lifestyle, it’s important to stay focused on your fitness all year round. But finding the motivation to exercise can be difficult during the cold winter months. Lower temperatures and darker days make it harder to maintain the exercise routines you typically follow during the rest of the year. Going for a walk or run isn’t as enjoyable in chilly winds or icy conditions.  

The good news is that there are several ways to keep your body moving in the winter without having to endure chilly temps outdoors. No matter what activities you enjoy most, you can find indoor alternatives that can help you maintain your exercise routines. Most of them you can do in the comfort of your own home. If you’re looking for a few creative ways to increase your heart rate or improve your strength without having to get outside, here are four indoor exercise ideas that you can consider: 


Yoga is one of the most accessible and enjoyable forms of exercise. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, yoga reduces stress, anxiety, and fatigue and improves strength and flexibility. There are also numerous benefits that yoga provides for cancer survivors looking to regain strength and stability after treatment. It’s also an ideal indoor cross-training activity for more cardio-intense activities. You can find numerous free training videos online that will guide you through a routine. 

Core Training & Bodyweight Exercises 

Regaining strength and stability in your core is a foundational goal for cancer survivors, but it’s also a great area of focus for every person who wants to feel healthier. Not only do core exercises help you condition your body, but they also improve balance and increase flexibility. 

You don’t need to go to the gym or lift weights in order to gain strength. Many times, all you need is the resistance of your own body weight to improve strength and endurance. Squats, lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, and planks all use your own body to build muscle, and those are only to name a few. There are numerous exercise options you can choose to do when it comes to bodyweight workouts. When you’re ready for the next level, you can add a few pounds of weight with simple household items like canned goods or books.  

Virtual Workouts 

One positive outcome of the pandemic was the proliferation of virtual options for in-home fitness. You can find yoga classes through the free app Do Yoga With Me. Strength training or cardio fans may enjoy Nike’s free Training Club app. Find the personal training that fits your needs through Future. If you’re looking for a simple place to start, the free J&J 7 Minute Workout app builds quick workout routines to get you going. All you need is access to a smart device, and virtual fitness possibilities are almost endless. 


Who said indoor exercises had to be boring? Dancing is a whole-body workout that’s actually fun. It’s good for your heart, it makes you stronger, and it can help with balance and coordination. Numerous studies have also found that dancing is a great way to improve fatigue, body image, self-efficacy, and functional exercise capacity for cancer survivors. If you’re looking for a more structured workout, consider joining a dance class at a local fitness center. If you prefer more spontaneous or informal routines, put together a 15-20 mix of your favorite tunes and cut loose with a friend or spouse in your living room.     

Tips for Success

There are numerous ways to get exercise during the cold winter months. The key is to keep at it and find ways to stay motivated. Every little bit adds up, and doing something is better than doing nothing. Here are a few helpful tips, especially if you’re a cancer survivor who is getting back into the routine of working out: 

  • Talk with your healthcare provider about good activities to try.
  • Start by doing what you can, and then look for ways to level up as needed.
  • Find an activity you enjoy that fits into your lifestyle. 

Providing Post-Treatment Wellness Guidance

Survivor Fitness was designed to support cancer patients after treatment through one-on-one personal training and nutritional support. By partnering with local trainers and fitness centers, we have access to indoor training facilities year-round. 

If you need more guidance for staying motivated and reaching your goals, we are here and happy to help. Learn more about the benefits of Survivor Fitness or connect with us today to learn more!