Navigating the complexities of cancer is an arduous journey, with its impact lingering long beyond the realms of surgery and treatment. Recognizing the enduring challenges, maintaining a robust support network post-treatment becomes pivotal for cancer survivors. Sherri Hoy’s personal experience underscores the significance of this continued support.

In the fall of 2021, Sherri faced the unexpected diagnosis of stage 1 breast cancer following a routine mammogram. Within three months, she underwent surgery, vividly recounting the initial shock and disbelief that accompanied her journey.

“It rocked my world; I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.”

Sherri underwent chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Like many cancer patients, she experienced a number of side effects, including muscle loss, hair loss, and neuropathy. She also struggled with chemo-brain and fatigue. Her last treatment left her with neuropathy in her feet, causing her to often feel off balance. 

Turning Adversity into Motivation

The challenges continued as she began taking a medicine called Arimidex. This new treatment caused joint pain and further muscle decline, but Sherri continued to persevere.

“You’re not the same person after going through cancer. But after five years, I keep on keeping on and move forward each day.”

Despite the challenges, Sherri joined Survivor Fitness as a way to become stronger and “not let cancer beat her down.” She completed the 12-week program via Zoom, participating in weekly online sessions with her personal trainer. The impact of the program on her physical and mental well-being was profound, and she expressed lasting gratitude. 

 “I will be forever grateful that this program was made available to me. It made me stronger both physically and mentally.

Grateful for the Guiding Lights on the Journey

Throughout her cancer journey and Survivor Fitness experience, Sherri deeply appreciated the support network that surrounded her. She credits the diligent technician who discovered the small mass during her mammogram, her oncologist who provided emotional and spiritual guidance, and her personal trainer, who kept her motivated and excited about her fitness journey. 

I got to the point where I couldn’t wait to get up in the morning and get going with training.”

Sherri acknowledges that her battle with cancer was challenging, but she remains grateful for the unwavering support that saw her through.

“Everything I needed, God provided for me, even this program to help me gain strength back. I will always be forever GRATEFUL! I just celebrated my 60th birthday, and I’m thankful things are as well as they are with me.” 

Join the Survivor Fitness Community

Sherri’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of ongoing support for cancer survivors. If you or someone you know is a cancer survivor looking to regain health and wellness after cancer, we’re here for you! 

Connect with us today to learn more about how Survivor Fitness can support you on your journey to regain health and strength after cancer.